Saturday 14 July 2007

better at last

finally i feel well enough to actually type or do something. Its been a nightmare week of illness for me. Having had a throat infection, freezing cold spells, headaches, ear aches - you name it. i should be forgiven for not being in the best of moods this week. but today is a new day and i feel, well .....OK not great but better. so i am actually planning to eat tonight! something that's not happened since Monday!?! i think the kids are finally sick of take outs (robs been sick too. so no cooking for either of us) and so plan to cook something within the five a day category. They have been little angels for us though. so huge (((hugs))) to both of them for looking after mummy and daddy. Also huge (((hugs))) to mum who has had to work her little butt off at the market so i could die quietly in the shop. hahahaha.
Which got me thinking should we scrap the times in our lives like sickness, when we feel we are on the wrong road and other times when we just feel pants? I know we all want our albums to be a honest look at the things we have done, but how honest? Should we all start to look at the things that we maybe should change and scrap those facts or just keep them well....... private? would this sort of information help our kids not make the same mistakes? I know when your mum says - i did that when i was younger and now i regret it. it means something but not a lot. when my mum said things like this to me i always used to think "its not the same! your a grown up of course you regret it now that's what growing up is about!". but how about if you had your parents feelings from that time would it some how make the advice more understandable? i wonder if you write something down like that when its happening if you would sugar coat the facts like we all tend to do over time? GOD ILLNESS HAS MADE ME ALL REFLECTIVE (hasn't improved my spelling or grammar i have noticed)

OK SO ON TO SHOP THINGS now we are feeling better here's what we have planned for next week. On Thursday for anyone that visits the shop in the morning you will get to have a play with our make and take day!!! We will not only be doing a demo but letting you try it out for yourself too. so don't miss out and pop in for a chat.
Fridays class has places still available too. This weeks class will be using the wonderful new range from pebbles inc. Everything you need to complete a layout is included in the bargin price of £5.00. The classes run from 5pm and are held at the shop. If you are interested in taking part please call or email to book your place.

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