Sunday 17 June 2007

first weekend nearly over!!

what a weekend! paperdolls shops first one and it was amazing! so a huge thank you to all our customers that came down to see us, thank you so much for the support. you have made it even more special for us with the encouragement and great feedback on the shop.
and also for those of you that haven't made it down here yet (why?!? hahaha) tomorrow ill add a few pics from our first few days at paperdolls and some peeks at the shop.

I cant wait for tomorrow!!!

yesterday was full of laughter too. now having stood on the market over the past few years i thought i had heard it all, with people asking everything from do i sell computer disks, screen covers, sewing machine needles, to a man actually bringing me his shirt to see if i could match the buttons *OK i can see how he thought that a little bit* but yesterday at the shop bought more madness!! one of our customers walked past us and thought she had the wrong shop as she could see me and mum eating dinner she thought it was a cafe!! love it. and of course the ladies from Tamworth that walked to my house thinking that was the shop address. And said when she finally found us said oh i knew i had a scrappers house as i saw all your stash in the window LMAO!!! it has all kept me amused. so thank you all for making it a hugely successful day.

and today is fathers day which with the last week being so hectic i forgot. so all rob received from me and the kids was a couple of doggy cards that were still left in adsa at 6.30 last night *eek* and ummm ................. OK that's it. but i have made up for it fully now as he has had the night out on his own and is still out so i think we are quits? fingers crossed.

have a good night all.

love Na

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