Saturday 24 March 2007

blooming creative day

Its been a cold day here today, I am so glad mum was on the stall! she came to mine after work bless her and could hardly manage to get her words out she was so tired (which is unusual for her ).
Its amazing how tired you can get after a day in the ice cold wind. Keeping warm seems to take everything out of you!
But on the plus side me and the kids took advantage of the weather and had a PJ day. Don't you just love days when you don't get dressed, just slobbing around and eating everything in sight. I swear today alone I have put on at least 10 lbs with all the junk food I have eaten. But even with the extra 10lb load it is so worth it just to relax and chill out. Maybe that should be my first blog dare! To scrap your prefect day. Then when you've finished either email them to me and I will show the best ones or post a link to them on here.
On the scrapping front I have managed to get loads done again! It started this morning when the postie dropped me off a little package. They were angel kisses from a great company called Ben Madigan Crafts. He stocks the most gorgeous large angel kisses flowers and in loads of colours too. So once I had opened them they just had to be used. hee hee. I don't know what it is with me. some things I get and love so much that I cant even think about using them, but then at other times I get something, love it just as much and need to use it straight away. weird or what? I don't think I am the only one with this trait, im always getting customers coming to the stall and admitting that all the things they bought last week are still in the to stroke only pile.
So with my new blossoms and some of the new polka dotted primas!! I managed to finish the journaling jar that I am teaching for the retreat. I must say that I am really pleased with it. I must have been because my success with that one gave me the push I needed to finish the mega monograms class kit thats also for the retreat and also do the last bits to the cj I started yesterday. Told you id been busy.
So im off to the crop tomorrow so had better go get a good nights sleep so im all ready to get started again on the Disney album *Naomi rolls her eyes* honestly if I see those Disney pics one more time I think I will scream. I just keep telling myself that ive only got another 6 pages to do max! Yeah in my dreams. I have a feeling I will be doing this album, for a good while yet.
Camera still not charged but will try and add some pictures tomorrow after the crop :D

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